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Welcome to Richville Baptist Chapel

Be Our Guest at "The Lighthouse On the Hill"

 Richville Baptist Chapel offers residents in the North Country and Richville-Gouverneur area the chance to come together and worship Jesus Christ as members of a rural local church community. As a Southern Baptist congregation, RBC believes in the inerrancy of Scripture and the Gospel of Jesus Christ found in John 3:16-19, Ephesians 2:8-9 and other passages. 
We also adhere to the "2000 Baptist Faith and Message" found at The church is also a member of the Thousand Islands Baptist Association (TIBA) and supports the Baptist Convention of New York (BCNY).
If you are looking for a place with plenty of opportunities to grow and serve the Lord with others, please stop in. We would love to have you join us!

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What's Happening on the Hill?

Check out what is going on at RBC...

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Being Christ's Hands and Feet

New Sunday School Devotional

Pastor Justin started a new Sunday School Devotional Series on Sunday 4/19/20, entitled, "Being Jesus Hands and Feet." The series is based on the book: "Coached By Jesus: 31 Life-Changing Questions Asked By the Master" by Alan Nelson. Click on the links below to check out each devotional:


Week 1:


Main Text:

Matthew 5:13-16






Moving Forward During Pandemic

Update on RBC Services

Due to the great feedback that RBC has received, we have decided to continue to do the Drive-In style Service format until at least May 18th (the date set by Governor Cuomo to get the State of New York opened back up). Our services will be at 11:00 AM. They will be shown on Facebook Live (through our official Facebook Page) and also YouTube Live (through our YouTube Channel).


Pastor Justin will continue to do a Sunday School Devotional during this time at 9 AM on Facebook Live. He will do prayer times and other videos through that medium as he feels led to. 

There will be a time of Prayer on Wednesday Nights at the crosses in front of the church for anyone interested. Social Distancing will be maintained during this time.

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Resurrection Sunday Sermon Series

This Sermon Series focuses on 1st Corinthians Chapter 15, one of the most important chapters in the New Testament!

The first message of this series, entitled Jesus>Corona, was preached on Resurrection Sunday, with 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 was preached by Pastor Justin on Resurrection Sunday/ Easter.


It was also the first ever Drive-In style service. It was a blessed day had by all and got a lot of wonderful feedback.

You can check out the service  and Part 1 of the series at the following link:


Part 2 of the series from 4/19/20 is broken up into two parts because we had some technical issues that caused us to lose the Live Feed temporarily. The Main Text was 1st Corinthians Chapter 15:12-28.

Click on the links below to watch both parts.


(1st Part of Service)


(2nd Part of Service)






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Drive-In Easter/ Resurrection Sunday Service

 Easter Service on April 12th at 10:30 AM

In an attempt to glorify God and to overcome the fear of the COVID-19 pandemic and show that JESUS IS GREATER THAN CORONA VIRUS, RBC will be getting innovative by having a Drive-In Church Service for Easter Sunday.

This idea is inspired by churches down South (especially First Baptist Church of Briar in Azle, Texas) who started doing these types of services during the second week of COVID-19 impacting the country. To practice Social Distancing, participants will be in their cars during the service. For more info about this type of worship service, check out the following link:


BE OUR GUEST on this special day as we show the world that Jesus is greater than Corona Virus!

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New Facebook Page!

RBC Joins Facebook!


YouTube Channel

RBC Joins YouTube

The Lighthouse On the Hill recently joined YouTube to expand its Social Media reach. You can check out the channel at:


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Church Food Pantry Update

Church Food Pantry Continues to Help Despite Pandemic

Due to implemented CDC restrictions concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, our food pantry appointment only. 
Participants can not go inside the building and a box will already be prepared. 
Arrangements must be made ahead of time by calling the church at (315) 287-0259. 

(Click on the related picture for all details)

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Corona Virus Impacts RBC

Church Moves to Online Services

Due to the impact of the Corona Virus as it made its way to New York State, Pastor Justin and the Membership at RBC decided to have Online Church Services in order to protect the congregation. It was a tough decision, but one that the Pastor feels he made for the protection of the flock that he is over. 


Below is a statement that he posted on Facebook after making the decision:


Just have to do some venting because of a lot of division that I have seen floating around online...

I was a Pastor who chose to NOT have a Live Service this past Sunday.
I agonized and was grieved all week by trying to decide what to do.

I prayed and sought the LORD, talked to my wife, my church's Elder, other Pastors I trust and you know what, I decided to hold an online devotional for Sunday School. My wife wasn't feeling well to help me so for a "service" I sang a couple of hymns, prayed, and preached the Gospel from John 3 in an empty church online. I tried to wear something nice and did everything on site to add some "normalcy" to some things. I was alone until two newer attendees showed up, shortly before I started my message. It was a blessing that they were there.

Did I like that choice of doing everything online?
No. I didn't.

Was it as good as meeting in person?
Absolutely not. Nothing can EVER beat meeting with the Saints of God in person.

Did I use wisdom AND try to choose the best decision that I felt was on my conscience?
Yes! I have no question about that.

My church is a small rural church in Northern NY in St. Lawrence County. We haven't had any confirmed cases of the virus as of today. It is the biggest County in New York State geographically, but also one of the poorest. We are in the Canadian Border by the St. Lawrence River. I mention that only because there is more to New York State than NYC and down state.

However, I have an older congregation that have family members at home with compromised immune systems. Many victims of the virus are older and have compromised immune systems.

Part of my job as an under shepherd is not just to feed my sheep, but to also protect my sheep, and disciple my sheep in the church that I serve.
Whether they all tuned in or not, I fed them the Word of God. I protected them. I also discipled them by showing them how to act out the second commandment of the two greatest Commandments set forth by Jesus of Nazareth in the New Testament... LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.

I don't know the situation where you are, but I believe President Trump and Governor Cuomo are trying to do good (as in Romans 13) by telling people to stay home in order to curve the impact of the virus. As of this past Sunday, New Yorkers were ADVISED to stay home. They weren't FORCED to stay home. They were ADVISED to not meet over a certain number of people...not FORCED to.

Some are comparing this to persecution. This is not persecution. What many Christians overseas experience IS PERSECUTION. What we see with the Corona Virus mess is taking precautions.

Is all of what is happening part of God's judgment on a world that increasingly hates Him and on an increasingly lukewarm American Church?
Well...based on the precedence we have from the Scriptures... Yes, I do believe this very well could be.
But, I also think it Him showing grace like He did to the Children of Israel.

Quite frankly, the American Church needs to repent and pray. I personally found myself weeping in prayer this morning and crying to THE LORD, not over fear of what might happen, but because I at times have sensed a coldness come over my own heart. I cried over the fact that I want to please Him more and because to be honest, as a bi-vocational Pastor who is looking for a second job, I feel somewhat helpless. I need my Abba Father now more than I have since Christ got a hold of my life in

Whether you are a Believer or not, if you are reading this, WE need God more than at any time in America. Cry out the Lord and repent of your sins and turn to His Only Begotten Son.

Would my people have gotten sick if we decided to go about with business as usual this past Sunday?
I don't know. I am not all-knowing.
I do know that the Scriptures tell us not to put the Lord to the test.

Did I try my best to make the right choice this past Sunday?
Yes. And I will sleep just fine with it.

I'll be darned if self righteous people are going to try and make me feel bad about what I did and other Pastors like me who also made that same choice.

Sadly, this is just yet another issue to bicker about: like our man-made denominations, worship styles, secondary scripture issues, etc. that causes the Church to look even more foolish in eyes of the world that we are suppose to be reaching and to give the Bride of Christ a black eye.

The people are the church not the building. I plan on doing my best to keep in touch with folks at my church as they deal with the cloud of uncertainties out there in the days ahead. Every Pastor should do the same. Your people need you.

If you held services or were one of the ones that had the cool drive in church idea that I saw after the fact, I applaud you for your creativity. Maybe that is something I can try later.

For those Pastors that did something like I did and are implementing the technology we have to stay connected with your people, then I salute you too. What I do however feel sad for are the churches in which Pastors just decided to do nothing and will do nothing for the foreseeable future. I think the Lord expects more from us than that and I encourage you to reconsider.

Whatever your church is doing, don't stop reaching out and checking up on each other and don't stop giving to your local church. My church has a good pantry that I know will be utilized to help others probably even more as time goes on. Anything will help it.

Lastly, keep praying and interceding for what is going on. Pray for the brave medical workers like my BROTHER who are out there and all other essential people, whether they are a public servant, store clerk, farmer, food industry, teachers doing stuff from home or parents homeschooling, truck driver, custodial workers, etc.

Pastors and church leaders, YOU are also essential. Especially to your people you serve.

Our President and our dysfunctional government need prayer. World leaders need prayer.


Thanks for reading if you did.
I was just venting, but if you feel like you need to share this...go ahead.

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Hope Amidst Fear

Sunday School Facebook Live Devotional

As a result RBC transitioning to Online Worship Services because of the Corona Virus pandemic that is currently impacting New York State (with over 70 cases in St. Lawrence County as of 4/10/19), the church is also doing an online Sunday School Devotional to keep people connected. 


The devotional is called "Hope Amidst Fear" and you can check out the first two sessions by clicking on the links below:

Session 1: "Whom Shall I Fear?"

Main Text: Psalm 27


Session 2: "The Beginning of Wisdom"

Main Text: Psalm 111


Session 3: "Hope Amidst Fear"
Main Text: 1 Peter 1:3-21


Session 4: Encouragement on Resurrection Sunday!

Main Text: John Chapter 20



John Chapter 3 Message

Repent and Believe the Gospel

Pastor Justin explored Jesus of Nazareth's encounter with the Pharisee named Nicodemus in the message. The sermon explored the false idol of religion and how it can not save and can not help people when they have calamity and tragic circumstances happen in their life like the Corona Virus pandemic that started to impact the United States.

Sermon Title:
"Who Do You Trust? "

Main Text:
John 3:1-21


Corona Virus Sermon Series

"Who Do You Turn to When There's Nowhere Else to Go?"

The Sermon Series touched base on four practical methods that Christians can use to get through times of anxiety , stress and uncertainty in the wake of the Corona Virus/ COVID-19 pandemic that has impacted the globe. The main text of this series was Philippians Chapter 4:4-9.


1.) Part 1

Main Text: 

Philippians 4:4-5


2.) Part 2

Main Text: 

Philippians 4:6-9

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March Sermon Series

"Like Sheep Without A Shepherd"

During the beginning of March, Pastor Justin encouraged listeners to consider two important questions in the sermon series, entitled: "Like Sheep Without A Shepherd."

The first question that he posed to listeners was:

 "Who Is Jesus To You?" by examining Peter's  divine declaration that Jesus was the Son of the Living God. 

He explored that in the sermon entitled:

"The Most Important Question"

Main Text:
Matthew 16:13-19

He then took a look at the Gospel of Mark at Jesus call for His followers to be "Fishers of Men." As part of the North American Mission Board's (NAMB) evangelism campaign called "Who's Your One?," he challenged listeners to cast out their lines by sharing their faith with at least one person in the world around them and fulfilling the Great Commission that Jesus left for His disciples and for the Church.


"Being Fishers of Men" (Part 1)

Main Text:
Mark 1:1 - 17


 "Being Fishers of Men" (Part 2)

Main Texts:
Mark 1:18-28


February Sermon Series

A Journey Through the Lord's Prayer

During the Month of February, Pastor Justin preached through the Lord's Prayer, aka, "The Our Father." Each week, he went through Luke 11:1-11 and explored different elements of the infamous prayer and how prayer itself, leads us into a deeper relationship with God and others. 

You can Check out the sermons below by clicking on the links provided:

Sermon Series on The Lord's Prayer
"Prayer: Accessing the Divine Key to Loving God and Others"


1.) "Loving God Through Prayer"


Main Text:Luke 1:1-4


2.) "Loving God By Praying For Our Daily Bread"

Main Texts: 

Luke 11:3a

Luke 12:13-32


3.) "Loving God By Seeking His Deliverance"

Main Texts:

Luke 11:4b

James Chapter 4


4.) "Loving Yourself and Others By Praying For Forgiveness"

Main Texts:
Luke 11:4a
Luke 12:13-32

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January Sermon Series

We kicked off 2020 with a tour through Psalm 91. In the series, "Where Does Your Help Come From," Pastor Justin did an expository tour through one of the most beloved Psalms in the Bible and a very important one to the Jewish People.

Links to the audio and Facebook Live video broadcasts are available below. ENJOY!


Part 1: "What A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" 

Verses 1-2




Part 2: "In the Shadow Of His Wings" 

Verses 3-8

(Only Video Available)


Part 3: "Trusting God Instead of Twisting Scripture" 

Verses 9-13




An Old Psalm of Hope For A New Year


A New Way to Give

RBC begins using a new online giving app to make giving easier.

   Online giving is now available at:

 There is also an app for both iphone and Android phones:

We have an anonymous donor who will match donations to our Food Pantry until the end of the year.

Please Help us stock up as we help our neighbors impacted by the COVID -19 pandemic!

Thanks and may God Richly Bless You!



New Church Name!

Planning for a New Start

On Sunday, July 21, 2019 during a Business Meeting held in our Fellowship Lunch, members voted to change the name of the church. Once steps are taken to make the name change official, we will unveil it to the community at large in the coming months. 

Even though the name of the church will change, we will still be a Southern Baptist Convention church and the Gospel will still be preached. We will still be part of the Thousand Islands Baptist Association and support the Baptist Convention of New York.

The name change comes as part of an effort to revitalize the church's identity and make a renewed commitment to reach Richville-Gouverneur (and surrounding areas) for Christ.

As the Pastor of this church, I am excited about the future and looking forward to seeing what happens. Feel free to join us! We'd love to have you!

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About Richville Baptist Chapel

Your Church in the Village of Richville, NY

Come Grow and Shine With Us at the Lighthouse on the Hill!

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We are located at 209 Main Street just up the hill off of Rte. 11 between Canton and Gouverneur. 

Sunday School: 10 AM
Sunday Worship Service: 11AM
Wednesday Night Bible Study:  7 PM

Church Leadership:
Pastor Justin Bland (315-854-3112)
Deacon/ Worship Leader: Larry Pratt

Listen to our audio sermons at

During the Corona Virus pandemic, we are live streaming the following  via Facebook Live:

Sunday Worship Service at 11:00 AM 

Sunday School Devotionals at 10 AM

Wednesday Night Devotional/ Prayer

 at 7 PM


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Contact Us

Let us know you’re out there! Contact Richville Baptist Chapel today.  Online giving is available at -
 There is also an app for both iphone and Android phones -


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